Roberts Day

The sounds of the city.

A national town planning practice — with studios in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Envelope channels the spirit of well designed urban spaces with a language of street inspired graphics

Design & construct
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity
  • Publications
  • Website

Envelope partnered with Roberts Day to re-imagine our brand identity, overseeing a complete rebuild of our website. The result was an important milestone for the business repositioning our public face to align with our practice of people-centred design.”

The spirit of the streets...

RD creates “great places”. Envelope brings the themes of planning, design and place to life in a story celebrating the spirit of community experienced at the street level.

Planning for progress...

RD’s people participate in an Envelope brand strategy workshop to understand the varied goals of a rebrand. An audit of current communications is added to a project brief drafted by Envelope. With board approval secured, production is scoped and timelines set in place for an exciting new chapter.

Sowing the seeds of change...

RD staff contribute to a growing library of “great places” photography of people enjoying public space. Treated with a gritty texture and masked into a custom RD monogram, the seeds of a new urban landscape are sown.

Listen to the sounds of the city...

Envelope’s street graphics embody the grit and energy of daily life. A library of silhouettes represent the diverse people of the communities RD has designed. Site specific colour photography masked inside dynamic montages of everyday life becomes a recognisable brand language for this highly awarded, national town planning practice.

Welcome to our neighbourhoods...

A generous, large format broadsheet treats prospective customers to a leisurely read. Regular digital publications present RD’s existing clients to the latest and greatest places. It’s own team of planners and designers are captured in their favourite neighbourhoods representing the very human face of the company.

An engaging read...

Complex reports — the mainstay of RD’s output — are produced in-house by RD’s own team of graphic designers, planners and architects. An Envelope brand toolkit uses everyday language providing clear and concise instruction on how to use the new brand architecture. Consistency of output is kept in check between interstate studio teams.

Reaching further...

A comprehensive website puts “Great places” front and centre with RD’s people sharing project success stories using a streamlined content management system. RD is a people business after all, so why wouldn’t its own have their say?

Envelope’s highly collaborative process perfectly combined their deep technical expertise and guidance, with opportunities for ideas to emerge from our team organically. This kept the development team energised throughout the process and ensured complete ownership of the final result.

— Dan Pearce, Roberts Day

See the bigger picture…

Roberts Day have a keen eye for detail in the public realm. Envelope provided the tools to showcase that focus in the context of a much larger picture. How could a new narrative help focus your offering?

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