Real people. Lived experience.

What to do when a much larger organisation takes your name? Invite Envelope to develop a new brand strategy that tells the story of people with lived experience of mental health in their own voices. 

Community & public
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity
  • Publications
  • Website

Formerly Flourish Tasmania, MHLET is a network of people with lived experience of mental health whose personal expertise informs the creation of programs and services for the Tasmanian community. Envelope’s extensive research of national and international mental health organisations is distilled to form the framework of a face-to-face workshop in Hobart. Our collaborative approach is well suited to people with unique sensitivities allowing everyone to not just be heard, but importantly, listened to.

A clear narrative crystallises… ‘Lived experience builds collective knowledge which leads to positive change’ but only MHLET’s consumers can tell this story authentically. To reinforce the importance of their individual stories a repeated headline… ‘I am a person with lived experience’ is supported by sentiments expressed in their own words.

Positive visual representation also matters. Launceston College generously donates a professional studio for Cameron Jones to create dynamic portraits of consumers sporting MHLET’s soon to be fashionable ‘A PERSON’ T-shirts. The voices of lived experience are expressed with vigour and energy across MHLET’s physical and digital communications.

A quick reskin of an existing website launches MHLET’s new identity and story to the wider world while something more comprehensive is in the works.

MHLET’s vibrant story is shared across social platforms building awareness and growing its consumer network. An Envelope toolkit keeps everyone on brand and on message.

Authentic stories...

MHLET’s new identity was drawn from the lived experience of its own consumer network. How can we help find your unique voice?

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