Independent Schools Australia

Diversity, Choice, Contribution.

From its national headquarters in Canberra, ISA supports eight state and territory association members by strengthening and promoting the interests of the Independent sector. Envelope’s brief? Create a human face to better engage with legislators and parents alike.

Community & public
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity
  • Communications
  • Website

Envelope’s initial brief brought ISA’s strategic framework to life, resulting in an invitation to rebrand this national organisation. Broad stakeholder conversations helped distill ISA’s core messages into just three — Diversity, Choice, Contribution.

With a desire to reflect a contemporary curriculum focussed on STEAM (Science, Technologies, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), Envelope embodies these disciplines in a fluid möbius strip. A 3D model allows for infinite views of this sculptural form, perfectly encapsulating diversity and choice.

Infinite perspectives of the möbius are paired with ambassadors from the community including teachers, parents and students. This unique visual architecture is the perfect marketing stage from which to communicate a wide range of human insights.

What a find. Ty exceeded my expectations. He listened attentively and thoughtfully to what we wanted and responded with a range of design options before helping us to refine our thinking and hone in on a unique brand identity. The result, a very elegant logo and refreshing, contemporary colour palette, iconography and typology, that beautifully embodies what Independent Schools Australia stands for.”

— Margery Evans

ISA’s strategic pillars inform a comprehensive custom pictogram language which reinforce its messaging in succinct communications.

ISA produces a wide array of numeric data based on thorough community research which Envelope translates into an effective library of concise and rational information graphics.

A detailed brand audit rationalises existing communications into a concise range of templates for rapid deployment by ISA’s in-house team. These flexible word processing and presentation tools streamline the creation of engaging marketing and reporting assets, ensuring consistency and furthering brand recognition.


A completely reimagined website brings all elements of the new brand together in a cohesive, audience-orientated platform. Envelope worked closely with ISA’s team to develop a website that educates and informs students, parents, teachers, journalists and government.

A comprehensive brand toolkit empowers ISA’s small team to produce uniform communications that build recognition with national audiences.

Space for listening…

Envelope’s in-depth stakeholder conversations formed the foundations of a comprehensive strategy and resulting identity. How could our holistic approach focus your organisation’s brand?

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