Skin Health Institute

More than skin deep.

Changing the name of a specialist hospital in operation for three decades is a serious undertaking. Success depends heavily on all stakeholders embracing the change. Time for an Envelope listening tour.

Community & public
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity
  • Communications
  • Wayfinding
  • Website

Ready to listen...

The Skin and Cancer Foundation experiences constant confusion with other cancer treatment organisations. Especially unwelcome during annual fundraising drives. To address this challenge Envelope began with broad stakeholder engagement — face-to-face interviews conducted with patients, nurses, students, doctors and administration staff. All passionate people who want their voices more than just heard. After all, they are the ones who will manage change at the coal face.

Listening far and wide...

External engagement with Melbourne’s globally recognised treatment and research community adds further depth to an understanding of who the Foundation is and exactly what they do. National and international competitor research reveals best practice frameworks for healthcare marketing. All valuable findings distilled into a brief for positive change. Envelope’s final management report recommends changing the Foundation’s name to Skin Health Institute. Its board is unanimous in support of the change.



Vote “yes” for change...

The Foundation is a membership based organisation comprised of Victoria’s dermatologists. Envelope’s direct engagement with this cohort helps rally support for change. The result? A majority vote is secured. Additionally, Envelope’s presentation on the case for change is received warmly at the Foundation’s annual general meeting.

Complexity made clear...

A previously complex array of services is rationalised into three distinct tiers. A clear, concise hierarchy cemented for structuring all future communications.

Getting the inside story...

Three decades of treatment history reveal some truly heart warming patient stories. Often life changing and life saving ones. The Institute’s storytelling brings these together with those of graduating students and passionate nursing staff.

Science not wellness...

The “Wellness” and “Beauty” industries have increasing influence and it doesn’t always lead to good patient outcomes. The Institute’s visual language uses the building blocks of all life on Earth to underline that its services are rooted in peer-reviewed science and research.

Supporting the community...

Brand ambassadors build awareness of the community of incredible human beings whose lives are affected by the life-saving work of this small institution that punches well above its weight.

Tools on hand...

An Envelope toolkit provides each and every employee the resources to produce a broad range of physical and digital communications. It also highlights the key values and characteristics of the Institute, as well as practical advice for using its new identity in everyday situations.

Staying on brand...

Envelope’s digital templates for complex reporting and presentations help treatment, education and research staff streamline internal processes. Precious resources are saved with patients benefitting from every extra dollar saved.

Lighting a path...

Finally, the new name goes up in lights. Illuminated building identification and secondary wayfinding signage guide visitors to their destination.

Envelope was chosen from a list of brand identity specialists for its innovative approach with previous clients, and the allocation of the principal Ty Bukewitsch to personally run the project. Envelope led a detailed consultation with our stakeholders resulting in a new brand and name that did not disappoint.”

— Chris Arnold, CEO

Poised for listening...

When change is coming, stakeholders want their voices to be listened to, not just heard. Envelope’s rebranding of the Institute demonstrates our ability to distill many voices into a clear narrative. How could we help you find your collective voice?

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