Victoria Law Foundation

Bringing life to the law.

Victoria Law Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation improving understanding of the law. An initial rebrand in 2007 leads to more than a decade of storytelling.

Community & public
  • Brand identity
  • Communications
  • Publications
  • Website

A human face...

Real people from diverse sectors of the law bring a human face to the activities of the Victoria Law Foundation. Using everyday language ambassadors provide a human touchpoint and improve accessibility for citizens interacting with the law for the first time.

We the people...

Envelope’s face-to-face interviews with ambassadors distill individual experiences into clear statements about the Foundation’s programs and services.

Precedents matter...

The Foundation’s small team efficiently manage complex brand applications with confidence using an Envelope toolkit. Easy-to-use templates ensure a unified story is told through every touchpoint.

The letter of the law...

Historically the Foundation has managed production of a vast array of printed collateral. From pamphlets on local bylaws to educational textbooks, Envelope’s publication imprint architecture streamlines production, reducing costs and increasing recognition of the Foundation’s important work.

Half a century not out...

Victoria Law Foundation has supported better justice for over fifty years, changing the landscape of Victoria’s legal system along the way. Time to celebrate with more authentic stories.

What is it good for?

Law Week grows from a Victoria Law Foundation sub-brand to a highly recognised, stand-alone community event. Our last in a series of annual campaign uses a provocative but familiar headline. Everyday members of public are the its human face.

Pushing boundaries…

Envelope’s timeless brand identity and bold awareness campaigns help the Foundation reach those who most need help understanding the law. How could we help increase your reach?

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