Bin Dixon-Ward

Flexing the grid.

Bin Dixon-Ward is a digital craftsperson with an intimate relationship with her materials and tools. Her brand identity and communications need to be as polymorphic as the exquisite objects she creates.

Arts & culture
  • Brand identity
  • Communications
  • Website

Understanding Bin’s practice requires deep immersion in her imagined world of abandoned factories and industrial sites, sweeping concrete overpasses and even the topography of the city from above. Serious stuff until you get to know Bin’s sense of humour and the playfulness embodied in her practice.

Drawing from the complex geometric language and rich colour palette of Bin’s practice, Envelope abstracts her initials into a playful logo with infinite executions.

A succinct website presents a vibrant portfolio filled with bold block colours and dynamic imagery. It’s an approach that stands out in a landscape of repetitive, templated websites. Clear navigation and an easily updated content management system make the site readily accessible for Bin and her visitors.

A vast body of existing photography is rationalised into a succinct library documenting the breadth of Bin’s practice.

Breaking the mould…

Envelope took the architectural qualities of Bin’s work into a playful space to platform her creativity. How could we bring your practice to life with a language that is uniquely yours?

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