All Purpose Pumps

Precision engineered to flow.

All Purpose Pumps works with consulting engineers and plumbing contractors delivering custom designed industrial pumping solutions. Envelope’s brief? Deliver a no-nonsense brand story that tells it like it is.

Energy & resources
  • Brand identity
  • Communications
  • Packaging
  • Signage

Envelope’s in-depth employee and customer research combined with detailed competitor analysis informs the project brief. As is often the case for our clients, Envelope drafts this important roadmap for All Purpose Pumps’ ratification. The resulting brand strategy delivers a succinct product and service hierarchy under a confident positioning statement that reflects the essence of its services: precision engineered to flow.

An abstract visual representing various levels of flow is the foundation of the visual identity. Combined with a unique pictogram language, products and services are readily identified, aiding navigation across a streamlined hierarchy of products and services.

Andrew Curtis’ photography sets a new standard for showcasing All Purpose Pumps’ highly engineered, custom built technology. Envelope’s strategy to elevate their status, placing them front and centre in communications creates attention in a crowded marketplace.

A library of hero images complemented by succinct headlines illustrate the benefits of All Purpose Pumps’ products and services across all physical and digital communications.

Every opportunity to market All Purpose Pumps is taken advantage of. Previously under valued, spare parts packaging becomes a new platform for spreading the word.

An Envelope toolkit provides clear direction for the rollout of the new brand. All Purpose Pumps’s internal team enjoys autonomy producing communications that tell its no-nonsense story just like it is.

When precision matters...

All Purpose Pumps creates solutions that are precision engineered to flow. Solutions that are based on a deep understanding of the individual needs of each project. How can Envelope help articulate a story that captures the precise qualities of you product or brand?

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