Signature Studio

Imagining innovation.

Signature Studio is a bespoke service for the creation of custom carpet designs that was inconceivable just a few years ago. Signature Floors invited Envelope to learn its craft and inspire architects and interior designers to imagine.

Design & construct
  • Campaign identity
  • Communications
  • Packaging

Inspiration can strike in unlikely places...

The humble pencil is often an architect’s tool of choice to capture the essence of an idea. Envelope’s campaign illustrates the pure fundamentals of three dimensional space, using hand-drawn lines. Designers are invited to put down the tools of technology and dream. Taking inspiration from nature, abstraction and our built world.

Architects are a discerning audience. Envelope’s campaign theme speaks to their desire to create something new. Every time.

Envelope collaborator Cate Rayson’s poetic copywriting positions each of the five carpet categories — encapsulating feel, luxury, precision, durability and flexibility.

Hero images embody core qualities, complemented by abstract carpet designs created in collaboration with Signature’s own talented in-house design team.

A catalogue printed by our talented collaborators at Southern Colour features specialist printing techniques, gatefold page spreads and is expertly colour matched to Signature’s carpet swatches.

Signature’s sales team use Envelope’s suite of digital templates customising them for each and every presentation.

Campaign deliverables include a striking bespoke samples box, cloth bound and screen printed to encapsulate the powerful purity of a simple design sketch.

As unique as you...

Signature Floors asked Envelope to learn its craft, inside and out — then build a brief which championed its bespoke product line. How could fresh eyes find your organisation’s signature qualities?

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